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Benefits Of Upgrading Consumers Mains

There are many benefits of undergoing a consumer main upgrade for a home. These mains are used to supply the electrical switchboard with power from the power cables and service lines. Upgrading them will often occur alongside a switchboard upgrade to ensure the house can be supplied with power safely and reliably. Here at The Local Electrician, our Level 2 Electrician team will perform a consumer main upgrade for locals of Sydney. 

The main benefits of a consumer main upgrade are:

  • The power source to the home will be more reliable and constant
  • There is a decreased chance of short circuits occurring and the general electrical safety of the home increases
  • The exact amount of power to properly supply the home will be available
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What is a Consumer Main?

A consumer main is the conductors that connect from the point of attachment and power pillars to the main electrical switchboard. They are often referred to as the electrical supply cables as well because they are important in providing the power from the electricity network poles to the home. 

When it comes to consumer mains only level 2 electrical contractors are authorised to work on these systems. The level 2 asp worker will be able to disconnect and reconnect parts of the system, perform electrical repairs and install the system. When an electrical defect notice has been given regarding the consumer main then a level 2 electrical service provider will need to be contacted.

Why Do I Need a Consumer Main Upgrade?

The consumer mains that go to the electrical switchboard are connected to the overhead service lines or the underground service lines. Newer homes will have 16mm or larger consumer main cables installed but in older homes, the average is 6mm cables. This is important as the cabling in older homes is not as strong and will often not be able to handle the power demands of today. 

As new power points, lights and larger appliances are included in the home this will mean the older consumer main cables will be struggling more to meet the power supply demands. This means that the chance of short circuits and electrical overloading issues increased because the consumer mains are struggling with the electrical demand. That is why it is important to undergo a consumer main upgrade to ensure a new one can be installed and safely operate in the home.

What are the Benefits of a Consumer Main Upgrade?

The main benefits that come with a consumer main upgrade are:

  • Power supply – the power source and supply will be much more reliable when it comes to upgrading the consumer main. This is because there will be less frequent disturbances and fewer short circuits impacting the power supply.
  • Power – the right amount of power will be there as the consumer-main can handle the greater power needs. This means all systems and appliances will be able to run on the current power supply and work correctly.
  • Safety – the main reason to upgrade the consumer main is that a larger reduction in the chance of short circuits occurs. This means that electrical safety increases and pope and appliances are less likely to be damaged or hurt by the short circuit. 
  • Convenience – when undergoing a switchboard upgrade it is highly recommended that the consumer mains are also upgraded alongside it.

What are the Dangers of Old Consumer Mains?

There are many dangers that come with keeping older consumer mains in use in current homes. This is because the higher demand for electrical power today is not suitable for the older designed mains. From the air conditioning system, fridge, washing machine and hot water system, these appliances will need more power. Using more appliances at once as well will also mean that the older consumer mains are pressured and stressed. 

The main issues and dangers that come with having old consumer mains present in the home are short circuits. A short circuit is when the electrical flow finishes its journey shorter than it should. This leads it to divert to a new path and cause major problems in the wiring system. The main problems with short circuits occurring from older consumer mains present are electric shocks, fire hazards and power outages.

Trusted Level 2 Service Provider in Sydney

The Local Electrician offers reliable level 2 electricians to perform consumer main upgrades for the locals of Sydney. The fully qualified electricians with us will have the consumer main worked on safely and upgraded properly. Along with consumer main upgrades, our Emergency Electrician team is here to repair the system at any time as well.

Our consumer main upgrades are here for all of Sydney, including Greater Western Sydney and Northern Beaches.


For professional consumer main upgrades – rely on The Local Electrician!

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Our skilled electricians are qualified to carry out any electrical repair or installation within Sydney. We strive to deliver absolute customer satisfaction by offering electrical services that are affordable, safe and long lasting.

Chris Madikian